What is Dental Sedation in Anaheim?
Dental sedation, also referred to as "sleep dentistry," is a method of using sedation to keep a
patient relaxed during a dental procedure. At Dentist of Anaheim, we specialize in three types of
dental sedation: conscious sedation, twilight sedation, and unconscious sedation, with each
providing a different level of sedation.
Conscious Sedation
During conscious sedation, you will remain awake during your dental appointment. This method helps
relax you while also easing pain. Conscious sedation is achieved through nitrous oxide, anesthesia,
or oral medication, and is commonly used for routine cleanings, dental fillings, and root canals.
Twilight Sedation
Twilight sedation induces a semi-lucid twilight state that makes you feel very relaxed during your
dental appointment, almost like you are dreaming. This type of sedation is administered through IV
or nitrous oxide.